Status Code Comparison Table
Response Code | Type of Problem | Explanation of Problem |
200 | STATUS_CODE_OK | Success |
1001 | STATUS_CODE_AK_DELETE | Invalid |
1002 | STATUS_CODE_NO_PERMISSION | No access to this Service |
1004 | STATUS_CODE_INVALID_IP | IP whitelist verification failed |
1005 | STATUS_CODE_INVALID_DIGITAL_SIGNA | Digital signature verification failed |
1006 | STATUS_CODE_INVALID_USER_SCODE | Security code failed verification |
1007 | STATUS_CODE_VISITS_DAY_EXCESS | Access Exceeded Days |
1008 | STATUS_CODE_VISITS_SECOND_EXCESS | Accesses are too frequent in a unit of time |
1009 | STATUS_CODE_VISITS_HOUR_EXCESS | Visiting too frequently in a unit time |
1010 | STATUS_CODE_SERVICE_BUSY | Server is busy |
1011 | URL_ERROR | invalid address |
1012 | AK_DISABLE | AK ban |
1013 | AK_INVALID | AK validity period has not started or has expired |
1014 | SERVICE_NOT_RELEASE | Service not released |
1015 | NO_QUOTA | No related service quota information |
1016 | SIGNA_EXPIRED | Digital signature has expired |
2001 | STATUS_CODE_MISSING_PARAMS | The required parameters are missing or Misspelling |
2002 | STATUS_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Other unknown errors |
2003 | STATUS_CODE_CP_ERROR | The third-party interface failed to return |
2004 | STATUS_CODE_VERSION_ERROR | Version number passed error |