
Road Fuzzy Search

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h> 

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Define the traffic search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate >.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Construct an event search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and set the proxy.

                    _rticSearch = [NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch new];
                    _rticSearch.delegate = self;                    

5. Set the surrounding road fuzzy search query parameters

The request parameter class of the road fuzzy search query is NavinfoTrafficRoadNameQuery, and the keyword (keyword) is a mandatory parameter. For other non-essential parameters, please refer to the API documentation.

                    NavinfoTrafficRoadNameQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficRoadNameQuery new];
                    Query.keyword = @"North";
                    query.cityName = @"beijing";                    

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a road fuzzy search query by calling the roadNameSearch method of NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch.

                    [_rticSearch roadNameSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICRoadNameSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch * _Nonnull)rticSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRoadNameResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

where NavinfoTrafficRTICResult returns, NSError is nil, and the query result can be obtained at this time.


1) Get a road search instance via rticSearch.

2) Get the set of road names via result.roadNames.

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICRoadNameSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch *)rticSearch result:(NavinfoTrafficRoadNameResult *)result error:(NSError *)error {
                        NSLog(@"---->  onTrafficRTICRoadNameSearch: %@", result.roadNames[0]);

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.