
RTIC Kanban

City Map Board

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch

Define the traffic kanban search object NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch

Construct the traffic kanban search object NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch and set the proxy.

                    _tgSearch = [[NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch alloc] init];
                    _tgSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set the city map kanban search query parameters

The request parameter class of the city map kanban query is NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicQuery, the cityName (city name) is a mandatory parameter, and the adcode/name is supported. The example is "Beijing" or "110100". Please refer to the API documentation for other parameters.

                    NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicQuery new];
                    query.cityName = @"Dalian";

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a search request by calling the cityGraphicSearch method of NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch.

                    [_tgSearch cityGraphicSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityGraphicSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch * _Nonnull)graphicSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

The NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicResult is returned, and the query result can be obtained at this time.


Use the result.cityGraphicData image data to display the current city map kanban.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityGraphicSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch *)graphicSearch result:(NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicResult *)result 
                    error:(NSError *)error {
                        if (error == nil) {
                            [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(downloadImageData:) withObject:result.cityGraphicData];

8. Processing failed queries

Proxy method when the retrieval fails.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityGraphicSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch * _Nonnull)graphicSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicResult * _Nullable)result
                     error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

In Error will return, and the callback function will get the reason for the failure.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityGraphicSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch *)graphicSearch result:(NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicResult *)result 
                    error:(NSError *)error {
                        if (error) {
                            NSLog(@"----> error");

Run the program, the effect is as shown below:

City List

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch

Define the traffic kanban search object NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch

Construct the traffic kanban search object NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch and set the proxy.

                    _tgSearch = [[NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch alloc] init];
                    _tgSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set city list search query parameters

The request parameter class of the city map kanban query is NavinfoTrafficCityListQuery. This query request can be used directly without parameter setting.

                    NavinfoTrafficCityListQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficCityListQuery new];

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a search request by calling the cityListSearch method of NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch.

                    [_tgSearch cityListSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityListSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch * _Nonnull)graphicSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficCityListResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

The NavinfoTrafficCityListResult is returned, and the query result can be obtained at this time.


Get a collection of city data via result.provinces.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityGraphicSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch *)graphicSearch result:(NavinfoTrafficCityGraphicResult *)result 
                    error:(NSError *)error {
                        if (error == nil) {
                            [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(downloadImageData:) withObject:result.cityGraphicData];

8. Processing failed queries

Proxy method when the retrieval fails.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityListSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch * _Nonnull)graphicSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficCityListResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

In Error will return, and the callback function will get the reason for the failure.

                    - (void)onTrafficCityListSearch:(NavinfoTrafficGraphicSearch *)graphicSearch result:(NavinfoTrafficCityListResult *)result error:( 
                    NSError *)error {
                        if (error) {
                            NSLog(@"----> error");

The operation effect diagram is as follows: