
EV Routing

EV Routing

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoRouteSearch

Define the master road object NavinfoRouteSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoRouteQueryDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoRouteSearch

Construct the main search object NavinfoRouteSearch and set the proxy.

                    NavinfoRouteSearch * routeSearch = [[NavinfoRouteSearch alloc] init]; routeSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set the starting route calculation parameters

where orig (starting point coordinates) vias (path point coordinate set can be empty) dest (end point coordinates) query (calculation type). Capacity (how much charge is charged)

                    - (id)initEleCarWithorig:(NavinfoLonlat * _Nonnull)orig vias:(NSArray<NavinfoLonlat *> * _Nullable)vias dest:(NavinfoLonlat * _Nonnull)dest soc:(double)soc capacity:(double)capacity

6. Initiating driving calculations

Initiate a driving calculation query by calling the startSearch method of NavinfoSearchRoute.

                    [search startSearchWith:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

When the query is successful, it will enter the callback function, and the callback function can get the result of the calculation.


Get a driving and transfer plan set via response.routes.

                    - (void)onRouteSearch:(NavinfoRouteSearch * _Nonnull)routeSearch
                    result:(NavinfoRouteResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error {
                        NSLog(@"----> onRouteSearch");

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.

                    - (void)onRouteSearch:(NavinfoRouteSearch * _Nonnull)routeSearch
                    result:(NavinfoRouteResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error {
                        NSLog(@"----> onRouteSearch");

Code example:

                    - (void)routeSearch:(NavinfoQueryType)type{
                        NavinfoLonlat * busOrig = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11633930.3 latitude:4001116.0 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * busDest = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11645256.2 latitude:3993640.4 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * orig = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11634000 latitude:4045000 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * dest = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11635000 latitude:4054000 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * orig1 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11645000 latitude:4034000 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * dest1 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11646000 latitude:4035000 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * carOrig = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:12161561 latitude:3891521 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat * carDest = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:12151443 latitude:3884730 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoRouteQuery * query = nil;
                        switch (type) {
                            case QUERYTYPE_BUS:
                                Query = [[NavinfoRouteQuery alloc] initBusQueryWith:busOrig dest:busDest city:@"BEIJING"];
                            case QUERYTYPE_CAR:
                                query = [[NavinfoRouteQuery alloc] initWithorig:carOrig vias:nil dest:carDest];
                            case QUERYTYPE_ELE_CAR:
                                query = [[NavinfoRouteQuery alloc] initEleCarWithorig:orig vias:nil dest:dest soc:20 capacity:40];
                            case QUERYTYPE_BULK:
                                query = [[NavinfoRouteQuery alloc] initBulkQueryWithorigs:@[orig,orig1] dests:@[dest,dest1]];
                        NavinfoRouteSearch * search = [[NavinfoRouteSearch alloc]init];
                        search.delegate = self;
                        [search startSearchWith:query];

                    - (void)onRouteSearch:(NavinfoRouteSearch * _Nonnull)routeSearch response:(NavinfoRouteResult * _Nullable)response
                                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error{

Run the program, the effect is as follows:

Vehicle Range

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Definition NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch

Define the tram travel range object NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearchQueryDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch

Construct the main search object NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch and set the proxy.

                    NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch * areaSearch = [[NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch alloc] init];
                    areaSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set the parameters for initiating the driving range of the tram

The request parameter class of the piggy query is NavinfoEleCarAreaQuery, and the shortcut constructs the NavinfoEleCarAreaQuery method. The required parameter centerLonlat (self-car position), soc (current car power).

                    - (id)initWithAreaCenter:(NavinfoLonlat *)centerLonlat soc:(double)soc;

6. Initiate driving range request

Initiate a calculation query by calling the startSearchWith method of NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch.

                    [routeMatch startMatchWith:matchQuery];

7. Processing data in callbacks

When the query is successful, it will enter the callback function, and the callback function can get the result of the calculation.


Get a collection of points that the tram can reach by response.lonlats.

                    - (void)onEleCarReachAreaSearch:(NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch * _Nonnull)routeSearch
                    response:(NavinfoEleCarReachAreaResult * _Nullable)response
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.

                    - (void)onEleCarReachAreaSearch:(NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch * _Nonnull)routeSearch
                    response:(NavinfoEleCarReachAreaResult * _Nullable)response
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error{
                        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

Code example:

                    - (void)reachAreaTest{
                        NavinfoLonlat * centerLonlat = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc]initWith:11637830 latitude:3989856 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoEleCarAreaQuery * areaQuery = [[NavinfoEleCarAreaQuery alloc]initWithAreaCenter:centerLonlat soc:30];
                        NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch * areaSearch = [[NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch alloc]init];
                        [areaSearch startSearchWith:areaQuery];
                    - (void)onEleCarReachAreaSearch:(NavinfoEleCarReachAreaSearch * _Nonnull)routeSearch
                    response:(NavinfoEleCarReachAreaResult * _Nullable)response
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error{
                        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

Run the program, the effect is as shown below: