
RTIC Broadcast

Road Traffic Reports

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Define the traffic search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Construct an event search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and set the proxy.

                    _rticSearch = [NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch new];
                    _rticSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set road traffic search query parameters

The request parameter class for road traffic search query is NavinfoTrafficRoadQuery, and the roadName cityName is two required parameters.

Please refer to the API documentation for other parameters.

                    NavinfoTrafficRoadQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficRoadQuery new];
                    query.roadName = @"XiAn Road";
                    query.cityName = @"Dalian";

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a road traffic search query by calling the roadRTICSearch method of NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch.

                    [_rticSearch roadRTICSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICRoadSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch * _Nonnull)rticSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

where NavinfoTrafficRTICResult returns, NSError is nil, and the query result can be obtained at this time.


1) Get a road search instance via rticSearch.

2) Get the number of traffic information via totalCount.

3) Get the traffic details collection via contents.

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICRoadSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch *)rticSearch 
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult *)
                    result error:(NSError *)
                    error {
                        NSLog(@"----> onTrafficRTICRoadSearch: total=%ld, contents=%@",(long)result.totalCount, result.contents[0].rticInfo);

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.

Front Traffic Reports

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Define the traffic search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Construct an event search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and set the proxy.

                    _rticSearch = [NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch new];
                    _rticSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set the front traffic search query parameters

The request parameter class for the front traffic search query is NavinfoTrafficFrontQuery, and the lonlats (latitude and longitude string) is a mandatory parameter.

Please refer to the API documentation for other non-essential parameters.

                    NavinfoTrafficFrontQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficFrontQuery new];
                    query.lonlats = @[[[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11635646 latitude:3992317 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02]];
                    query.direction = 270;

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a forward traffic search query by calling the frontRTICSearch method of NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch.

                    [_rticSearch frontRTICSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICFrontSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch * _Nonnull)rticSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

where NavinfoTrafficRTICResult returns, NSError is nil, and the query result can be obtained at this time.

For the parameter information, please refer to [Road Traffic Voice Broadcast].

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICFrontSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch *)rticSearch 
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult *)result 
                    error:(NSError *)error {
                        NSLog(@"----> onTrafficRTICFrontSearch: total=%ld, contents=%@",(long)result.totalCount, result.contents[0].rticInfo);

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.

Nearby Traffic Reports

1. Import header files

                    #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Define the traffic search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Construct an event search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and set the proxy.

                    _rticSearch = [NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch new];
                    _rticSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set the surrounding traffic search query parameters

The request parameter class for the surrounding traffic search query is NavinfoTrafficAroundQuery, poiName (POI name) and lonlat (latitude and longitude coordinates) cannot be empty at the same time.

Please refer to the API documentation for other non-essential parameters.

                    NavinfoTrafficAroundQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficAroundQuery new];
                    query.poiName = @"Peking University";
                    query.lonlat = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11635646 latitude:3992317 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a peripheral traffic search query by calling the aroundRTICSearch method of NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch.

                    [_rticSearch aroundRTICSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICAroundSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch * _Nonnull)rticSearch
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult * _Nullable)result
                    error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

where NavinfoTrafficRTICResult returns, NSError is nil, and the query result can be obtained at this time.

For the parameter information, please refer to [Road Traffic Voice Broadcast].

                    - (void)onTrafficRTICAroundSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch *)rticSearch 
                    result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult *)result 
                    error:(NSError *)error {
                        NSLog(@"----> onTrafficRTICAroundSearch: total=%ld, contents=%@",(long)result.totalCount, result.contents[0].rticInfo);

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.

1. Import header files

                        #import <NavinfoKit/NavinfoKit.h>

2. Configure APIKEY

Refer to Project Configuration Instructions.

3. Define NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Define the traffic search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and inherit the search protocol <NavinfoTrafficSearchDelegate>.

4. Construct NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch

Construct an event search object NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch and set the proxy.

                        _rticSearch = [NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch new];
                        _rticSearch.delegate = self;

5. Set road traffic search query parameters

The request parameter class of the navigation line traffic search query is NavinfoTrafficNaviQuery, and the lonlats (latitude and longitude string) is a mandatory parameter.

Please refer to the API documentation for other non-essential parameters.

                        NavinfoTrafficNaviQuery *query = [NavinfoTrafficNaviQuery new];
                        NavinfoLonlat *lonlat1 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:(1162305) latitude:(4007837) gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat *lonlat2 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:(11623058) latitude:(4007822) gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat *lonlat3 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11623069 latitude:4007801 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat *lonlat4 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11623114 latitude:4007706 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        NavinfoLonlat *lonlat5 = [[NavinfoLonlat alloc] initWith:11623138 latitude:4007622 gbType:NavinfoGbTypeG02];
                        query.lonlats = @[lonlat1,lonlat2,lonlat3,lonlat4,lonlat5];

6. Initiate search query parameters

Initiate a navigation line traffic search query by calling the naviRTICSearch method of NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch.

                        [_rticSearch naviRTICSearch:query];

7. Processing data in callbacks

Proxy method when the query is successful.

                        - (void)onTrafficRTICNaviSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch * _Nonnull)rticSearch
                        result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult * _Nullable)result
                        error:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

where NavinfoTrafficRTICResult returns, NSError is nil, and the query result can be obtained at this time.

For the parameter information, please refer to [Road Traffic Voice Broadcast].

                        - (void)onTrafficRTICNaviSearch:(NavinfoTrafficRTICSearch *)rticSearch 
                        result:(NavinfoTrafficRTICResult *)
                        result error:(NSError *)error {
                            NSLog(@"----> onTrafficRTICNaviSearch: total=%ld, contents=%@",(long)result.totalCount, result.contents[0].rticInfo);

8. Processing failed queries

When the retrieval fails, Error returns, and the reason for the failure is obtained by the callback function.