Call Method Interaction
Change the Zoom Level of the Map
The zoom level of the map ranges from 1.0 to 14.0. The setZoomLevel method of MBMapView is called to set the zoom level of the map to scale the map. The sample code is as follows:
[baseMapView setZoomLevel:8.0 animated:YES];
Change the Map Center Point
When the map is panned, the zoom level does not change. You can move the map by changing the center point of the map. The sample code is as follows:
[naviMapView setWorldCenter:appDelegate.gpsInfo.pos animated:NO];
Change the Zoom Level of the Map
Set the map zoom level, the larger the value, the more detailed the map displayed. If it is a floating point number, the engine will interpolate according to the scale of the two adjacent zoom levels. The map level has a total of 17 levels, ranging from 0-16. The sample code is as follows:
// Set the map zoom level mRenderer.setZoomLevel(11);
Change Map Orientation
You can change the orientation of the map and the direction angle. The unit of the direction angle: degree, the range of values: [0-359], the default: 0, the north is 0, the counterclockwise direction is positive, that is: the west is 90, the south is 180, and the east is 270. The sample code is as follows:
[baseMapView setHeading:0 animated:YES];