

Map overlays are all content that overlays or overlays a map, such as annotations, vector graphic elements (such as stitches, polygons, and circles), positioning icons, and more. The overlay has its own geographic coordinates, and as the user drags or zooms the map, the overlay moves with the map.

The SDK provides the following overlays:

  • Annotation

    Used to pop up bubbles in the map

  • ArrowOverlay

    Used to draw arrows on a map route

  • CircleOverlay

    Used to draw a circle on a map

  • CustomAnnotation

    Customize pop-up bubbles

  • IconOverlay

    Users draw icons on the map, support animations, and support pop-up Annotation

  • ModelOverlay

    Used to display 3D models, such as 3D cars

  • PolygonOverlay

    Used to draw polygon regions

  • PolylineOverlay

    Used to draw polygons and lines

  • RouteOverlay

    Drawing layers used to draw directions

  • TrackOverlay

    Layer for drawing tracks