Status Code Comparison Table
In order to better troubleshoot the issue, the callback interface will return a response code. The response code list is as follows:
status(status) | in English description | state Description (msg) | Remarks |
200 | OK | Success | Service request returns normally |
1001 | AK_DELETE | Invalid ak | Developer deleted ak Or the developer is applying the ak of android sdk, but it is used to adjust the web service interface |
1002 | NO_PERMISSION | No access to the service | User did not purchase the service, if you need to apply for support, please Submit a work order to contact us |
1003 | INVALID_DOMAIN | Failed domain verification | |
1004 | INVALID_IP | IP Whitelist Verification Failed | |
1005 | INVALID_DIGITAL_SIGNA | Digital signature verification failed | |
1006 | INVALID_USER_SCODE | Security code failed verification | Requires developer to determine ak Bind SHA1, package is consistent with the sdk package |
1007 | VISITS_DAY_ EXCESS | Access exceeds daily visits | The developer’s daily visits are overrun and are automatically blocked by the system. Automatically unblock at 0:00 on the 2nd day |
1008 | VISITS_SECOND_ EXCESS | Accesses are too frequent in a unit of time | The developer’s unit time (1 minute) is overrun and is automatically blocked by the system. Stop, automatically unblock in the next minute |
1009 | VISITS_HOUR_ EXCESS | Accesses are too frequent in a unit of time | The developer’s unit time (1 hour) is overrun and is automatically blocked by the system. , automatically unblock next hour |
1010 | SERVICE_BUSY | Server is busy | |
1011 | URL_ERROR | Invalid Address | |
1012 | SERVICE_BUSY | AK banned | |
1013 | AK_ INVALID | AK validity period has not started or has expired | |
1014 | SERVICE_NOT_RELEASE | Service not released | |
1015 | NO_QUOTA | No relevant service quota information | |
1016 | The digital signature has expired | No relevant service quota information | |
2001 | MISSING _PARAMS | Missing required parameters or misspelling | |
2002 | UNKNOWN_ERROR | Other unknowns Error | If you still receive this error code after multiple calls, please submit the work order to contact us |
2003 | CP_ERROR | The third-party interface returns | |
2004 | STATUS_CODE_VERSION_ERROR | Version number passed error | |
10000 | STATUS_NETWORK_ERROR | Network Error |