
Getting Started

Get the "Java SDK" key (AK)

AK is an important credential for using the Java SDK. To avoid being stolen, please keep it in a safe place.To apply for AK, please contact lbs@navinfo.com.

Use AK

After getting AK, the method of calling SDK is assigned AK to make it effective. The sample code is as follows:

                    Config.setAk ("the AK you applied for");

Add third-party library support

SDK requires third-party okhttp3 library support, you need to add relevant support in the build.gradle file under the project module (if you have added it can be ignored). Related configuration is as follows

                dependencies {
                    implementation 'org.json:json:20180813'

Code confusion

Configure the following when doing code obfuscation:

                -dontwarn org.json.**
                -keep class org.json..** { *; }
                -keep interface org.json..** { *; }
                -dontwarn okio.**
                -keep class okio.** { *; }
                -keep interface okio.** { *; }
                -dontwarn okhttp3.**
                -keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
                -keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
                -keep class com.navinfo.lbs.** {*;}