Administrative Area
Search for the corresponding administrative area based on the name of the administrative area, the area code, and the city code. The sample code is as follows:
DistrictSearch mDistrictSearch = new DistrictSearch(); // Setting parameters DistrictSearch.Query query = DistrictSearch.Query.newQuery("Shanghai"); // Set the data of the lower administrative area is not displayed query.setChildType("0"); // Set does not return the administrative boundary coordinates query.setExtInfo("false"); mDistrictSearch.setQuery(query); // Set the listener mDistrictSearch.setListener(new DistrictSearch.Listener() { @Override public void onSuccess(final DistrictSearchResult result) { // Search succeeded } @Override public void onFail(APIStatus status) { // search failed } }); // turn on search;
Note: The result return interface is an asynchronous thread interface.