
Point Marker

Point markers are a type of map element used to indicate information about a location. This chapter describes how to use dot markers on a map surface, including:

1. Marker Marker

Point Marker

1. Create a dot icon for the default icon:

                        // Create a Marker instance:
                        var marker = new nimap.Marker().setLngLat([116.405467, 39.907761]);
// Add the created point marker to the existing map instance: marker.addTo(map);
// Remove the created marker marker.remove();

2. Create a custom html dot tag:

                        // Create a custom Marker instance:
                        var div = document.createElement('div');
                        div.innerHtml="custom icon";
                        var marker = new nimap.Marker({element:div}).setLngLat([116.405467, 39.907761]);
// Add the created point marker to the existing map instance: marker.addTo(map);
// Remove the created marker marker.remove();