
Map Control

Map Basic Controls

Maps can be added to the map base by means of plugins. Map surface controls include scales, positioning, steering zoom and other plug-ins.

                    nimap.accessToken="your AK";
                    var map = new nimap.Map({
                        container: 'map',
                        style: 'https://lbs.navinfo.com/open-map/style/normal',
                        Zoom: 11, // ​​Initialize the map level
                        Center: [116.397428, 39.90923], // ​​Initialize the map center point
                        localIdeographFontFamily: "PingFang SC, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft Yahei, Arial, sans-serif, bold" // Font local read

                    map.addControl(new nimap.NavigationControl(), 'bottom-right');
                    map.addControl(new nimap.ScaleControl({unit: 'metric'}));
                    map.addControl(new nimap.GeolocateControl());
                    map.addControl(new nimap.AttributionControl());
                    map.addControl(new nimap.FullscreenControl());