
Bus Routing

The bus routing route is based on the coordinates of the starting point and the route of the bus travel. The sample code is as follows:

                // Set the starting point and end point coordinates
                GeoPoint startGeoPoint = new GeoPoint(116.39750, 39.90850); //Tiananmen
                GeoPoint endGeoPoint = new GeoPoint(116.43423, 39.93766); //Dongzhimen Street
                RoutePlan routePlan = new RoutePlan();
                // Set the listener
                routePlan.setListener(new RoutePlan.Listener() {
                    public void onSuccess(final RouteResult result) {
                        //search successful
                    public void onFail(final APIStatus status) {
                        //Query failed
                // Set the request parameters
                RoutePlan.Query query = RoutePlan.Query.newQuery(startGeoPoint, endGeoPoint, RoutePlanType.BUS);
                // Set the city
                //Initiate a request

RoutePlan.Query Description:
1. Obtain an instance by using the newQuery (GeoPoint startPoint, GeoPoint endPoint, int queryType) method in RoutePlan.Query.
2. startPoint starting point GeoPoint coordinates.
3. endPoint Endpoint GeoPoint coordinates.
4. queryType calculation path type, the bus calculation path type is RoutePlanType.BUS.
5. The bus calculation method must call the setCity(String city) method to set the city, and the city is the city name keyword. For example, "Beijing City."
Note: The result return interface is an asynchronous thread interface. If the Android project needs to operate the control in the return, it must switch to the Main main thread.